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Innovate to Elevate: Revitalizing and Rethinking EMS Recruitment and Retention Practices

April 23, 2024
1:00 pm –
1:50 pm
Tracks: Hot Topics, Workforce & HR

After several years of workforce challenges, many EMS organizations have finally rethought and redesigned their recruitment and retention efforts. Despite this, many of us are still struggling to recruit and retain team members. With so many services actively engaged in their recruitment efforts, leaders need to be innovative and evaluate what they currently are doing as well as have fresh new ideas to make themselves and the healthcare field more appealing. This session will be a case study about AAA member company Bell Ambulance Service. Bell has adopted an innovative approach to recruitment and retention that has changed the game for them and they way they get people in the door, enjoy their job and want to stay._x000D_

This session will take a look at the “then versus now” approaches at recruitment to Bell. How the different recruitment methods and internal culture of Bell Ambulance have lead to an expansion of stations, ambulance, staffing and call volume. Our goal is to show that while there is a nationwide struggle with this topic, it does not have to be all “doom and gloom”. We want to look at the thought process from the top down and how you can be and innovator with what you are currently doing. We want to get others to think “outside the norm” and adapt to the changes that have come to the workforce.