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Keynote | Becoming Unflappable

June 23, 2025
8:30 am –
9:20 am
Ballroom 1–3
Tracks: Hot Topics, Keynotes, Leadership / Executive

How to Thrive in Even the Most Stressful Times and Avoid Burnout

Sponsored by: Savvik Buying Group
How do you continue to move forward, to grow, and succeed, amidst an environment of constant stress, uncertainty, and that just seems wired for burnout?  Dr. Darria Long is a Harvard and Yale-trained ER doctor, national bestselling author, national TV  health expert on CNN, NBC, Netflix and other networks, TedX speaker of the widely popular “An  ER Doctor on Ending the Crazy Busy,” and founder of The National Burnout Study in Women – and trained all her life to be able to function in stressful environments.  Those skills became personal, however, when Dr. Darria developed a massive, mysterious and life-threatening heart condition, and over 18 months, nearly went into cardiac arrest multiple times.  She focused on not just surviving that experience – but coming out of it with insights to share as others went through their own stressful moments – regardless of their exact circumstances.  In this motivating address, Dr. Darria curates data-driven solutions and guidance, along with her experience as an ER physician, and stories from her journey from grim diagnosis to building life back, better.  Audiences will leave with a combination of tools and mindset shifts to not be able to just tolerate  uncertainty, but to thrive during it.