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Making Mentorship Programs Meaningful

April 22, 2024
2:00 pm –
2:50 pm

Last year, the American Ambulance Association’s Workforce Committee released the Mentorship Guide for EMS. This guide is intended to serve as a framework for organizational leaders who see the critical role that mentor programs play in the development of the future leaders of EMS organizations. Mentorship programs are associated with higher retention for both the mentees and mentors. The panel discussion will explore the experiences of both mentors and mentees as they implement and participate in mentor/mentee relationships. The panel will share the unexpected hurdles they encountered and common challenges they experience with establishing and nurturing a mentor/mentee relationship. Our panel members will provide insight on what qualities they believe a successful mentor possess, the best way to identify and set mentor program goals, and how they define a successful mentor/mentee relationship. Lastly, the panel will offer the best practices associated with successful mentorship programs.
