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Response Reboot? Data Driven Decisions for Sustainability

June 22, 2025
2:00 pm –
2:50 pm
Tracks: Hot Topics, Operations

Response Reboot? Implementing Data Driven Decisions for System Sustainability – A Case Study

Representatives from several national EMS associations and organizations collaborated on the publication of a white paper: Rethinking Emergency Medical Services: Applying Evidence and Data to Redesign Response Models for a Resilient and Sustainable Future. One agency, the Kanawha Emergency Ambulance Authority (KCEAA), recently began a process to implement several changes to their delivery model based on data derived from a system assessment, including, fee schedule revisions, staffing and deployment model enhancements, response time goal changes, co-location of their call center with the county’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and revenue cycle management changes. This session will highlight what the recommendations were, what data was used to develop the recommendations, and the process KCEAA is using to turn recommendations into reality.