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Dr. Doug Swanson

Conference Speaker
Dr. Doug Swanson

Mecklenburg EMS Agency (MEDIC)

Dr. Doug Swanson is a professor of emergency medicine at Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC and holds dual board certification in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Services. Doug is the medical director for the Mecklenburg EMS Agency, the largest volume EMS agency in North Carolina. In this position, he is responsible for the medical oversight of all EMT first responders, and Agency EMDs, EMTs, and paramedics providing pre-hospital care in Mecklenburg County. Dr. Swanson co-chairs the EMS Committee of the North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians, the body responsible for state EMS protocol development and is a member of the North Carolina EMS Advisory Council. Additionally, Doug is the president-elect of the Air Medical Physician Association Board of Trustees.

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