Please see the Registration Desk to check availability if not already pre-registered. Class size is very limited.
June 21, 2025 | 09:00–17:00 | Sponsored by SafeTech Solutions | FREE with Full Conference Registration. Space limited.
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Whether you are currently an executive leader, a middle manager aspiring to become an executive leader, or simply interested in deepening your knowledge and practice of leadership, this session is for you! Our time together will be a blend of conversations, reflective exercises, and discussion of the topics you want to discuss. Leadership is more a mindset than the reflection of a title or the climb of a ladder. We will discuss this mindset and the key characteristics of effective executives in today’s constantly changing EMS environment. But most importantly, we want this to be a time of exploration, recharge, inspiration, and connection that reflects where you are and where you want to go in your EMS leadership.
This program is designed for leaders who aspire to become the executive of an organization, or leaders who have recently become the executive of an organization. A solid foundation in leadership and management at the senior leader level or graduation from the EMS Leadership Academy is highly encouraged.
Pre-registration is required, and class size is limited to 26. Registrants MUST have purchased full conference registration.
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